Tripwire: Online Shoppers Easily Duped By Bogus Links

Is that Cyber Monday email you are getting really from that brand you think it's coming from? Maybe not. Portland-based Tripwire said that it has found that consumers are too quick to click on malicious links which they think are coming from "trusted brands"--but are actually from cyber attackers. Tripwire said it had One Poll and Dimensional Research conduct a consumer survey on online cybersecurity, and found that more than 40 percent believe emails from "trusted brands" are safe to click on. However, Tripwire said that all too often, those emails are not actually coming from the brands they think they are coming from -- with emails and bogus websites which look nearly identical to the real thing. Tripwire said fake websites are so effective they work about 45 percent of the time in fooling consumers.


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