Amazon Boosts Royalties On Kindle

Seattle-based announced this morning that it is launching a new, 70 percent royalty option for authors and publishers who use the firm's Kindle Digital Text Platform program, the publishing program for the firm's Kindle Reader. According to Amazon, the new royalty option will pay 70 percent of list price, net of delivery costs, to authors and publishers who opt in the program, which has a number of requirements for book pricing and geography. The firm said the new option--which launches on June 30th--does not replace its existing standard royalty program. However, Amazon said that publishers and authors who decide to opt for the higher royalty on the books must have titles priced between $2.99 and $9.99, and must be at least 20 percent the lowest physical list price on a physical book, and at or below price parity with the competition, calculated by Amazon.


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